Sunday, September 27, 2009

First YouTube Now The Maroon Tiger....

For the week of September 23-29 The Black Tie Affair has been featured in the Morehouse College newspaper, the Maroon Tiger. This feature is by far one of the greatest accomplishments the blog has yet to receive. I thought it was a joke when the corresponding editors Bryant and Jasmine emailed me, saying they wanted to meet and discuss featuring the blog in the paper. I send special kudos to the two of them, they were so professional in the interviews, and the final story came out GREAT!. Since the release of the paper, there have been non stop emails, text messages, and Facebook notifications on the feature, this experience has really gotten around campus like wildfire. For the followers who are in the AUC, I strongly suggest you all go and grab your copy of the Maroon Tiger, and read the article on myself and TBTA. Thank you all for your support, and I will continue to bring you the news from the web, and the paper. Next stop, magazines.
Much Love to you all,

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