This past Thursday the honorable Judge Glenda Hatchett was the guest speaker at Morehouse College's Crown Forum. Hatchett, a well known judge and positive figure in today's society, addressed the Men of Morehouse in terms of making us better. No sooner than she stepped to the podium to speak, Hatchett let us know that we belonged to her, and that she expected nothing but the best from us. This struck home for every male sitting in the audience. I even saw one of my fellow brothers in tears from Hatchett's act of concern. As a second year student at Morehouse College, I can truly say that she is thus far the best speaker we've yet to have. She had no problem keeping it real with us, and informing us that the world we live in is a cruel one, and we must take it on, being prepared to the fullest. As a black woman growing up in Atlanta, Ga. minutes away from our profound institution, Hatchett also told us her rise to fame. An Emory University graduate to say the least.
Hatchett truly represents what great things will come from those who continue on the right path. After her inspirational speech to the brothers of Morehouse, there was a small luncheon in her honor were representatives of the Black Tie Affair were also in attendance. She made sure she got around to each and every brother, dropping off even more encouraging words in the spirits of those who hungered for it. In the up coming future I look forward to working with Judge Hatchett and her new law program at Emory University. She inspires us all to be better than we were yesterday, and for that here at the Black Tie Affair we would like to send our love to her.
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